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发布日期:2025-01-04 10:33    点击次数:140

(点击上方关注键盘侠,获悉更多有趣资讯。) 今日,小波特家暴事件中的女方Kysre Gondrezick近日给媒体Baller Alert发了一份独家声明,声明中她表示希望外界尊重两人的隐私,请勿继续对此事进行无依据的猜测和判定,请耐心等待官方公布最终的调查结果。声明中Kysre Gondrezick还表示,此次家暴事件并不能表示两人之前的关系一直就是混乱和充满暴力的。且听美国网友作何看法~ [–]indreams159 204 points 6 hours agosounds like she's going back to him球迷:听上去她是打算要回到小波特身边了啊…[–]LakersPolarBearLaFlare 66 points 4 hours agoYou’re allowed a couple DV cases when the bank account is nice 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️ sad湖人球迷:只要兜里的钱包足够鼓,打完老婆家庭更和睦🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️呜呼~~~~~[–][MIL] Bill ZopfFKJVMMP 79 points 4 hours agoThis happens all the time with broke people too, the world’s just fucked.雄鹿球迷:其实穷人的老婆也是打不跑的,这个世界太操蛋了。[–]PistonsSawitlivesry 1064 points 6 hours agoUhhh...... how did you end up with those neck injuries then活塞球迷:呃…(要是真如她女友所说)她脖子的伤又怎么解释呢? [–]LakersOxygenius_ 306 points 4 hours agoShe slipped湖人球迷:很简单啊,当时她不小心自己滑倒了呗~~~[–]LakersRevoldt 25 points 4 hours agoOn a pile of money湖人球迷:对!栽倒在了一大堆钞票上面~~~可惨啦! [–]bigthighshighthighs 38 points 3 hours agoRidiculous that she is defending him.球迷:她竟然还维护他,还有王法吗? [–]KingsKANGZNATION 193 points 6 hours agoAbused goes back to the abuser. Nothing new here国王球迷:梅婷原谅冯远征的戏码,没啥新鲜的。 [–]TimberwolvesGreedyWarlord 115 points 3 hours agoPretty common in DV relationships森林狼球迷:没错,非常普遍的家暴双方羁绊…[–]MagicNeophyte_Gardener 198 points 6 hours agoEspecially when your abuser has $$$魔术球迷:尤其当施暴方还是个有钱人$$$,那就更甚了![–][DET] Grant HillJaerba 76 points 5 hours agoOr you're terrified of them. Like even if logically you're safe from them, people say they can't escape that terror.活塞球迷:或者说,是受害方对施暴方的恐惧,让他们不得不妥协!有人说,哪怕是受害方已身处一个施暴方无法伤害到他们的地方,他们仍然没办法从恐惧的阴影中走出来! [–][MIA] Jimmy ButlerAway_Championship_49 4 points an hour agoGoddammit, but, sadly true热火球迷:这可真他妈的啊…但是悲哀的是…家暴中的双方关系确实如楼上所说的这样…[–]Lakerspargofan [score hidden] 32 minutes agoWhy exactly. What’s the mentality in defending him?湖人球迷:到底是为什么啊!?是什么心态让她维护小波特??[–]TimberwolvesGreedyWarlord [score hidden] 28 minutes agoDeep rooted issues for the victim that usually is from abuse growing up.森林狼球迷:常见的根源问题是,受害者从小也是在家暴的环境中长大的…[–]Spursrawsharks [score hidden] 7 minutes agoFear that nobody will believe them, fear that the abuser might punish the victim in the future, fear that the abuser might harm themselves or other people the victim cares about, fear that they cannot survive without the abuser.Also ultimately they often still feel significant affection and love for the abuser.马刺球迷:(如果不维护施暴方)受害方会害怕从此没人愿意再相信她们,害怕施暴方以后会因此而惩罚她们,害怕施暴方会自残或者去伤害她们关心的人,害怕离开施暴方后她们没法生存下去…同时最根本的一点是,受害方感觉自己仍然还爱着对方… [–]76ersIversonsSleeve [score hidden] 4 minutes agoShe knows she can live the good life with him......Her career is done !!76人球迷:没错,她知道,和小波特在一起能过上好日子…因为她自己的职业生涯已经结束了!![–]Celticschivestheconqueror 22 points 2 hours agoI’m sure the abuser is likely to manipulate the victim as well—“don’t send me to prison” “you’re going to ruin my life over this” etc. If she cared about KPJ, she might feel compelled to downplay what he’s done凯尔特人球迷:我敢说,施暴方很可能也会从心理上操纵受害方,比如他们会说“不要把我送进监狱好不好~~”,“你这么做,我这辈子就完了!”等等。如果她关心小波特,她很可能会被说服,并且大事化小、小事化了… [–]BucksPillsburyToasters 7 points 5 hours ago*Something tells me there might be some hush money being sent her way to not comment negatively on the situation. Super fucked situation regardless雄鹿球迷:我猜测她可能拿到了一笔封口费,让她不要在这件事情上做任何负面的表述!简直太操蛋了![–]SpursDevilGunManga 2 points 6 hours agoIf he's broke, she's broke too. Took a few days for her to realize.What a fucking tragic incident. This is why abusers with bags always get away.马刺球迷:如果小波特没钱了,她也要跟着喝西北风…她花了几天时间开始意识到了这点…真他妈的是个悲剧啊…这就是为啥有钱人每次都能从家暴事件中脱身![–]MavericksJuanG12 29 points 3 hours agoDisgusting. He’s about to get a slap on the wrist from both the judicial system and NBA.独行侠球迷:太恶心了!小波特得受到司法系统和NBA联盟的双重惩罚![–]SometimesILieToo 2 points 4 hours agoHow’d he end up charged without a witness statement?球迷:小波特是怎么在没有目击证词的情况下被起诉的?[–]Nuggets0lm- 10 points 2 hours ago*there were witnesses in the hotel which is how she initially even got help掘金球迷:当时在酒店是有目击者的,不然你觉得女方是被谁救出来的?[–]Valuable-Benefit-524 3 points 2 hours agoIn New York City the city handles decrying to prosecute regardless of what the victim wants for DV cases. It’s to protect victims who get strangled and then try to make excuses and end up getting murdered球迷:在纽约,不管家暴的受害方想怎么处理,当地政府都会直接谴责并起诉施暴方的!这么做是为了保护在家暴中被扼喉的受害方,防止她们找借口为施暴方开脱,最终在后续的家暴中被杀害![–]rhino57123 61 points 3 hours agoNo state will allow for the victim to decide if a case goes forward or not just by declining to press charges, or withdrawing them. The DA will certainly factor that in to the equation of whether to move forward or not, since bringing peace and restitution to the victim is one of the goals, but ultimately they can still choose to do whatever they want, even if the victim hasn’t pressed charges. The reason a lot of DV cases don’t proceed if the victim doesn’t want to press charges is that they are the star witness, so them potentially not cooperating is going to be a major blow to the case actually succeeding.球迷:美国所有的州都不允许由受害方来决定是否继续或取消对家暴的指控。当然,检察官会将受害方的意愿考虑进去,因为让受害方心情安宁以及让她们得到补偿也是目的之一,但是归根结底,是由检察官来做出所有的决定的,哪怕受害方并没有起诉施暴方。那为什么很多家暴案件的司法程序,都因为受害方不想起诉,而最终没有进行下去呢?那是因为受害方是案件主要的证人,如果她们不配合的话,就会成为案件流程的巨大阻碍![–]bossaholic2002 22 points 3 hours agoAlso if the defense gets the victim to testify for them then it’s an uphill battle for prosecutors球迷:同时,如果辩护方(施暴者)得到了受害方的作证支持,这对原告方律师来说将形成巨大的挑战![–]LakersOxygenius_ 36 points 4 hours agoIt’s a slap in the face to all the victims of DV, truly sad湖人球迷:这对所有家暴的受害者来说,都是一记狠狠的耳光~太悲哀了~ [–]LakersSpectrewithaSchecter 2 points 4 hours agoYeah, that’s like two slaps back to back湖人球迷:确实!而且还是来回两记耳光!(被施暴者家暴,又维护施暴者)[–]NetsTheMoorNextDoor 2 points 3 hours agoKnocked her head between the washer and the dryer and she tryna save this man career and life.篮网球迷:刚被他伤害得体无完肤,站起来还要帮他挡住刀剑无数~~ [–]Warriorswallowsworld 2 points 3 hours agoMan this whole case is fucked now 🤦‍♂️勇士球迷:天哪~~~~这都什么破事儿啊!!🤦‍♂️来源:Reddit【来源:直播吧】

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